Learn Human Design in a way that's fun and easy to apply!

You want to learn Human Design now, in a way that's fun & makes sense.

Condense your timeline now. You can learn Human Design easily, quickly, in a way that's positive, fun, inclusive and supportive. 

I've spent years studying Human Design from various sources and have packaged everything together into HD School just for you so you can get to using Human Design in a way that's powerful in your life.

"I just want to help people."

...is what I used to say when people asked me what I wanted to do with my life.

You, too?

I ended up working in hotels because I thought that would be a great way to help others and also travel. Win-win right?

Wrong. So wrong. (For me at least).

I quickly learned that wasn’t the kind of help I wanted to contribute to the world… but I didn’t know what was.

I felt like I had no real skills other that being nice and helping people, and wasn’t super interested in any careers I could think of.

But I was obsessed with self-discovery, trying to figure out what my passion was, my life purpose - why am I here?

I bought a lot of self-help books and did every personality test I could find.

I gifted myself an astrological natal chart reading for my birthday a few years ago and that was the closest I’d ever felt to being understood and seeing my value in the world … but I didn’t really know what to DO with that information.

Because of my love for all things personal development I wanted to learn to coach others, so I went and got certified as a coach and learned a lot of transformational tools….

But I was too scared to work with clients. What if I was coaching them towards goals that wouldn’t actually make them happy?

Even before I knew Human Design, something in me knew that this ‘one size fits all’ model didn’t work, we were all so unique and needed to be seen that way!
Enter Human Design.

As soon as I learned about it, I was hooked.

It resonated with me on such a deep level, I wanted to know everything!

Not only did it show me who I was designed to be, but it gave me a map of how to get there.

AND it gave me a map of other people - finally, I felt good about working with clients because it was like I had their user’s manual.

It was all I wanted to learn about!

… but wow, it was hard to find information that made any sense.

Just trying to understand the basic terms made my head spin some days.

Was this written by aliens?

And why do some of the teachings feel so negative and disempowering… I was so sure that HD was meant to be the opposite!

Course Curriculum

All classes will be taught via pre-recorded video, no need to worry about scheduling in live trainings! It's designed so you can learn in a way that's convenient for you.

  • 1

    Welcome to HD School!

    • Welcome to HD School!

    • How to Navigate the Course

    • 16 Week Curriculum Guide

    • Replays of Past Classes Free Classes

    • All Lessons PDF Downloads

  • 2

    Live Call Schedule

    • Upcoming Calls & Calendar

  • 3

    Organize Your Notes Bonus Lesson

    • Document System to Keep Your HD Notes Organized

    • Using Evernote to Organize Notes

  • 4

    Cheat Sheet Library

    • Gates Cheat Sheet

    • Channels Cheat Sheet

    • Lines Cheat Sheet

    • Emotional Centre & Authority Cheat Sheet

    • Authority Cheat Sheet

    • Centres Cheat Sheet

    • Projector Cheat Sheet

    • Reflector Cheat Sheet

    • Manifestor Cheat Sheet

    • Manifesting Generator Cheat Sheet

    • Generator Cheat Sheet

  • 5

    ☉☉☉☉☉ LEVEL 1 ☉☉☉☉

    • Level 1 Reading

  • 6

    Human Design Foundations

    • Human Design Foundations

  • 7

    The Human Design Bodygraph

    • Overview of the Bodygraph

    • Where to Run HD Charts

    • What if Someone Doesn't Know Their Birth Time?

  • 8

    Type & Strategy

    • Intro to Type

    • How to Identify Type

    • Manifestor

    • Generator

    • Manifesting Generator

    • Projector

    • Reflector

    • Tracking the Lunar Cycle

  • 9


    • Importance of Authority

    • Hierarchy of Authority

    • Emotional Authority

    • Bonus: Emotional Authority Masterclass

    • Sacral Authority

    • Splenic Authority

    • Ego Authority

    • Self Authority

    • Environmental Authority (Sounding Board)

    • Lunar Authority

  • 10

    Level 1 Certification

    • Level 1 Certification

  • 11

    ☉☉☉☉LEVEL 2☉☉☉☉

    • Level 2 Reading

  • 12


    • Definition

  • 13

    Energy Centres

    • Intro to Centres

    • The Head/Crown Centre

    • The Mind/Ajna Centre

    • The Throat Centre

    • The G Centre

    • The Heart Centre

    • The Emotional Solar Plexus Centre

    • The Spleen Centre

    • The Sacral Centre

    • The Root Centre

  • 14

    Profiles + Lines

    • Line Companion for the Gates *bonus*

    • Lines

    • Profiles

    • Why are there only 12 profiles?

  • 15

    How to Do Readings

    • Human Design Readings Level 1

    • Human Design Readings Level 2

    • Human Design Readings Level 3

    • Human Design Readings Level 4

    • Life Purpose Reading (Level 4 Extension)

    • Incarnation Cross Readings

  • 16

    Level 2 Certification

    • Level 2 Certification

  • 17

    ☉☉☉☉LEVEL 3☉☉☉☉

    • Level 3 Readings

  • 18


    • Circuitry Overview

    • 2027 Evolution and Changes to Circuitry - Coming Soon

    • Centering Circuit (Individual)

    • Knowing Circuit (Individual)

    • Q & A: What is mutation?

    • Logic Circuit (Collective)

    • Abstract/Sensing Circuit (Collective)

    • Defence Circuit (Tribal)

    • Ego Circuit (Tribal)

  • 19

    The Gates

    • Gates and Channels Intro

    • Gate 34 - Power

    • Gate 57 - Intuition

    • Gate 10 - Self Love

    • Gate 20 - Now

    • Gate 25 - Innocence

    • Gate 51 - Shock

    • Gate 61 - Inner Truth

    • Gate 24 - Rationalization

    • Gate 43 - Breakthrough

    • Gate 23 - Assimilation

    • Gate 38 - The Fighter

    • Gate 28 - The Game Player

    • Gate 39 - Provocation

    • Gate 55 - Abundance

    • Gate 22 - Grace

    • Gate 12 - Caution

    • Gate 60 - Acceptance

    • Gate 3 - Ordering

    • Gate 14 - Power Skills

    • Gate 2 - Receptive

    • Gate 1 - Self-Expression

    • Gate 8 - Contribution

    • Gate 63 - Doubt

    • Gate 4 - Answers

    • Gate 17 - Opinions

    • Gate 62 - Details

    • Gate 16 - Enthusiasm

    • Gate 48 - Depth

    • Gate 58 - Joy

    • Gate 18 - Corrections

    • Gate 52 - Stillness

    • Gate 9 - Focus

    • Gate 5 - Patterns

    • Gate 15 - Extremes

    • Gate 7 - The Advisor (Self in Interaction)

    • Gate 31 - Influence

    • Gate 64 - Confusion

    • Gate 47 - Realization

    • Gate 11 - Ideas

    • Gate 56 - Storyteller

    • Gate 53 - Beginnings

    • Gate 42 - Increase

    • Gate 29 - Commitments

    • Gate 46 - Embodiment

    • Gate 13 - The Listener

    • Gate 33 - Privacy

    • Gate 41 - Imagination

    • Gate 30 - Feelings

    • Gate 36 - Crisis

    • Gate 35 - Change

    • Gate 59 - Sexuality

    • Gate 6 - Friction

    • Gate 27 - Caring

    • Gate 50 - Values

    • Gate 19 - Wanting

    • Gate 49 - Principles

    • Gate 37 - Harmony

    • Gate 40 - Aloneness

    • Gate 54 - Ambition

    • Gate 32 - Duration

    • Gate 44 - Alertness

    • Gate 26 - Integrity

    • Gate 21 - Control

    • Gate 45 - The Ruler

  • 20

    The Channels

    • 34-57 Power

    • 34-20 Charisma

    • 57-10 Perfected Form

    • 10-20 Awakening

    • 34-10 Exploration

    • 51-25 Initiation

    • 61-24 Awareness

    • 43-23 Structuring

    • 38-28 Struggle

    • 57-20 The Brainwave

    • 39-55 Emoting

    • 22-12 Openness

    • 60-3 Mutation

    • 14-2 The Beat

    • 1-8 Inspiration

    • 63-4 Logic

    • 17-62 Organization

    • 48-16 Mastery

    • 58-18 Judgement

    • 52-9 Concentration

    • 5-15 Rhythm

    • 7-31 The Alpha

    • 64-47 Abstraction

    • 11-56 Curiosity

    • 53-42 Maturation

    • 29-46 Discovery

    • 13-33 The Prodigal

    • 41-30 Recognition

    • 36-35 Transitoriness

    • 59-6 Sexuality

    • 27-50 Preservation

    • 19-49 Synthesis

    • 37-40 Community

    • 54-32 Transformation

    • 44-26 Transmission

    • 21-45 Money

  • 21

    Level 3 Certification

    • Level 3 Certification

  • 22

    ☉☉☉☉LEVEL 4☉☉☉☉

    • Level 4 Readings

  • 23

    The Planets

    • Intro to Planets

    • Planetary Energies

    • Planetary Transits Effect on Type

  • 24

    Incarnation Crosses

    • Incarnation Cross Basics

    • Cross Structure

    • The Four Quarters

    • How to Do Incarnation Cross Readings

    • Global vs Inidividual Crosses

  • 25

    The Arrows

    • Intro to Arrows

    • The Variable Grid and Four Transformations

    • Leftness and Rightness

    • Arrow 1 Intro: Digestion

    • Arrow 2 Intro: Environment

    • Arrow 3 Intro: Perspective

    • Arrow 4 Intro: Awareness

    • Motivation

    • Senses/ Cognition

  • 26

    Level 4 Certification

    • Level 4 Certification

  • 27


    • Intro to Themes

    • Initiating & Beginning Energy

    • Past Energy

    • Self-Doubt, Inadequacy Energy

    • Perfectionism Energy

    • People Pleasing Energy

    • Multi Passionate Energy

    • Teaching Energy

    • Fixing Others Energy

    • Leadership Energy

    • Creative Energy

    • Selfish Energy

  • 28

    Relationship Bonus Class

    • Connections & Configurations

  • 29


    • Readings Cheat Sheet - Combine Gates & Planets

    • Google Doc Reading System

  • 30

    The Penta Bonus Class

    • Introduction to the Penta & Group Dynamics

  • 31

    Human Design Business

    • Creating + Scaling Your HD Reading Business from Scratch with Maria Henning

    • Q&A Call with Maria x Katie

    • Aligned Launching Using Human Design

    • Creating a Standout Brand Using Your Human Design

    • Social Media Marketing & Human Design

    • Selling Through Your Open Centers

    • Overview of My Human Design Coaching Package

  • 32


    • Live Call Replays

    • Chart Reading Synthesis Replays & Upcoming Classes

  • 33


    • Human Design Bootcamp

Watch Intro Video

Janalee - 2/4 Manifesting Generator

See what Janalee has to say about HD School

Over $1500 worth of bonuses!

  • NEW! Chart Reading Synthesis

    Learn how to pull the charts together with over 50 example chart readings. $1000 value.

  • 1:1 HD Reading

    You'll get a personal reading with one of our approved HD Readers

  • Google Doc Reading System

    Quickly prepare for in-depth Human Design readings with my done-for-you Google Doc reading system. $297 Value.

  • Human Design and Relationships Masterclass

    Learn about human design and 1:1 relationships. $97 value.

  • Emotional Solar Plexus Masterclass

    Master Your Emotional Authority and Wave or Understand the EA's in your life. $44 value.

  • The Penta: Understanding Group Dynamics Masterclass

    Understand how Human Design applies to groups of three or more (ie workplaces and families). $97 value

Meet Your Teacher!

Katie Irvine

I'm Katie, the founder of HD School and a 2/4 Emotional Manifestor. According to my chart, my gift is clearly communicating transformational knowledge, awareness and new ways of thinking (and if that doesn't describe teaching Human Design, I don't know what does!) I become obsessed with Human Design 3 years and absolutely love teaching it in a way that feels good and makes sense.

What HD School students are saying...

Jaclyn - 1/3 Manifestor

Three years ago I heard a beloved coach say she was a “Manifesting Generator” unleashing my obsession with Human Design and leading me to Katie Irvine. Katie is an “Emotional Manifestor” just like me and was born to teach and decode this complex body of work. She knows her stuff, breaks it down in a way that is easily understood (using humor and stories) to simplify a complicated, yet life changing body of work to her community. On my journey, I purchased a few of Katie’s videos, & immediately booked a reading (both were AH-MAZING)! My next step was HD School. It was a no-brainer. While I don’t aspire to give readings for a living, HD School was the best way for me to continually learn how to live in accordance with my DESIGN. The arsenal of materials in this course is a GOLDMINE not to mention the plethora of live calls Katie facilitates to ground our learning and create a community of HD lovers. The content is top-notch & if you LOVE Human Design as much as I do it is an investment that will serve you through your entire life.

Ruby Lin - 5/1 Self Projected Projector

AH! I LOVED working with Katie. Not only is she such an incredible and loving soul; she has been a wonderful mentor to me as I started my journey into Human Design. HD School was super comprehensive and I loved the additional support we get from Katie via the weekly group calls - seriously if you enrolled in HD School make sure you jump on the weekly calls; those in itself have been well, WELL worth the investment. I upgraded to get private 1:1 access with Katie (not sure if she’s still offering this) - I loved every minute of it, that I kept re-upping for multiple containers! I loved knowing that Katie was in my corner to answer any questions that I had about Human Design, my own chart and my clients’ charts. I learn by doing - so having private access to Katie to ask questions when things come up greatly facilitated my understanding of the materials (PS - even if you don’t get 1:1 access; go take advantage of the group sessions!) Overall, my experience has truly been an incredible one. As a non-sacral being - I loved being in Katie’s energy. It’s just really nice…not feeling the overwhelm of having to keep a certain pace (and sometimes I find the sacral energy that gets translated over to a course is…just a bit too much LOL!) HD School was perfect and coming into it felt right at home for me.

Samantha, 5/1 Reflector

The time and effort Katie has put into HD school really shows. It is PACKED full of detailed information on the whole system. If you’re wanting to learn to gain more personal knowledge or learn the system so that you can show up better as a coach or human in general, this is the perfect course for you. It truly has everything and Katie is incredibly supportive throughout the entire time and really open to answer any and all questions! On top of that, the support from the students as well as the facebook group is really something special - a group to nerd out with over HD doesn’t get much better than that! Definitely go for it if this is something that’s on your heart!

Katherine Gramann, 1/4 MG

HD School is gold. Katie's approach to teaching allowed me to digest HD content in a way that has never resonated so easily. And that's not because she skims the surface: THE GIRL GOES DEEP and brings concepts and approaches that I'd never stumbled upon despite being actively interested in the topic for about two years before enrolling. It's the perfect mix of "real talk" and magic, keeping you dialed in and absorbing AND excited. The course format helps you build knowledge in a natural way, but not without really ensuring you're GETTING IT before proceeding, and that has been a missing piece to my previously band-aided attempt to educate myself. Thank you, Katie!

Maria Bertolani - 2/5 Generator

I was so hungry to understand Human Design better, but struggled to find resources that actually made sense to me. I was so excited to get started with HD school. Her course is brilliant, I ended up binging on the videos, learning and being enlightened. Katie herself, is an absolute gem,  going above and beyond to meet all my questions and curiosities. Her warm, inclusive nature made me feeI I have gained a friend, someone who genuinely accepted me for who I was and who is interested in my growth. Understanding how my energy works has been extremely beneficial to my daily life, resulting in being kinder to myself, learning how to be more magnetic as well as giving me insight to my relationships around me. Having gained this knowledge I have been given the skills to do readings for my own clients. Sharing the incredible knowledge of Human Design with my friends and family have brought me such happiness and excitement as it has helped them in a similar it helped me.  In addition, meeting like-minded friends in HD school, really creates a warm and enthusiastic platform to grow and discuss your discoveries and experiences. I can not sing Katie’s course with higher praises, it’s been a journey of self love, understanding, and enlightenment. 

Steff Sullivan - 3/5 Manifestor

My experience in HD School has been incredible! Katie's information, as always, is so easily digestible. She uses great analogies that can be easily understood and applied to real life situations. She makes learning a fairly complicated system interesting by breaking it down into small parts while still ensuring she reminds us often that all of the parts connect to others and that Human Design should be viewed as a large system. The Facebook group helps us see others charts, hear their experiences with their design and connect with others as we work through the material. Feedback throughout the course given to Katie is promptly taken into consideration and Katie is constantly striving to make this course exactly what the students need. It's clear that Katie is extremely passionate about Human Design and I am so grateful and excited to continue my learning journey with her by my side.

Caroline L. - 1/3 Projector

The content is FULL ON, so much to learn and dive into, she goes really deep but in a super accessible, structured, effective way ( - and in small (enough) portions ;) ). She has everything ordered so clearly, and since is such a big content, it is really a game changer to have it so clearly displayed for when you have a doubt on your chart, you can go straight to the answer you need. GOLD. I feel it’s so generous on her part that she kept on adding new modules that were not specifically in the plan, just cause she saw a need there for us. Like how to do a reading really early in the course so you could get accustomed to it while keeping on learning. And she shares with so much dedication and gusto. I love Katie for her commitment to our learning, she is so open, straightforward, makes the content really easy to digest and assimilate without losing you on the way. I had the fun experience to get a free reading as an early bird - and that was incredible. She is such a powerhouse empowering others. Her fire is so contagious, we should all have a little Katie in our pockets at all times.

Sloane Simone - 5/1 Generator

Katie’s HD School was phenomenal! She has the ability to explain metaphysical concepts in such a down-to-earth way. I absolutely love her metaphors. I had studied human design on my own for 18 months before I enrolled with her, and it was her explanations that finally allowed everything (and her NEW information) to take root in my brain and heart. Now I’ve started my own human design business helping women re-claim and discover themselves after co-dependent relationships. Thank you, Katie, for changing my life so I could change others’ lives! I’m forever grateful!

Roxanne, 5/1 Generator

Katie is an incredible teacher and delivers Human Design in a way that is comprehensive and easy to understand. I am part of another Human Design program and find Katie’s course to be easier to follow and packed full of value. You can tell she truly cares about her students and helps me feel supported on so many levels!

Anika, 6/2 Projector

I was looking for an HD learning program and did not resonate at all with the ones that have been offered in my community. I started to get in touch with other HD people all over the world and was recommended Katie as a great teacher and I absolutely do not regret to have joined HD school. The program is very structured and easy explained. Your lessons come online with a video presentation and a pdf. I can learn whenever I am in my best energy to do so. We have live calls that I can join in when I want to, or I can just watch the recorded one and Katie and the community of HD students are always there to talk things out, answer questions...really great support.

HD School is waiting for you

Watch Intro Video

Amy Letcher - 1/4 Projector

Here what Amy has to say about HD School...


  • How long do I have access to HD School?

    You have access to the modules forever. Currently we will have 3 Q&A calls a month until the end of 2022.

  • Will the classes be taught live?

    No, for the most part, all classes will be pre-recorded. When I was dreaming up HD School, I wanted to create a course where you could learn efficiently and reference easily and I've found pre-recorded sessions are the best way to do that.

  • What if I have questions about the classes?

    We'll have live calls every month. I'm here to support you! You can also submit questions for any of the modules in the course and I'll get back to you each week either by voice, text or creating additional video training if needed. You will not be left in the dark!

  • When does it start?

    The modules are ready for you to start learning immediately.

  • When can I start using Human Design to work with clients?

    That's really up to you decide on what feels comfortable -- yes, that's me telling you to listen to your strategy & authority :) ... but seriously, I would recommend that you start doing practice sessions if it feels good about a month in. You'll have learned a lot by then!

  • What's your refund policy?

    Due to you getting full access to the online course immediately, I don't offer refunds on HD School.

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